Sunday, January 31, 2010
Pain Does Not Equal Gain
I was going to name this post "Oh my aching unmentionable area" or "What a pain in the fill in the blank," but thought better of it.*
Today's Run: Linear Trail: 25 degrees. 5 miles; Splits: 9:59; 9:52; 10:18; 9:58; 9:45 49:52; 9:58 per mile average pace.
Yesterday's Run: Road: 23 degrees. 5 miles; Splits: 9:06, 9:06, 9:29, 8:59, 8:54; 45:34; 9:06 per mile average pace
WARNING: This post is a downer...
Today's run was planned for 7 miles, but I barely made 5 miles. I decided to run on the Farmington Canal Linear Trail today, but on a different part that is in the next town. I needed a change of scenery to help lift my mood and to motivate me. I drove the 5 miles from my house and when I arrived there I was disappointed. It was still covered in frozen snow. Apparently that part of the trail doesn't get plowed. I decided to give it a run, since it was pretty much packed down from people running and snowmobiling on it. Off I went, and it was a slow go. I was having difficulty with my footing, and my toes and fingertips were numb from the cold wind. I knew that it generally took me about 1 1/2 miles to warm up, so I wasn't too concerned. I was resigned to the fact that my time would be slow, and I was alright with that. At about the mile and a half point, my toes and hands did warm up. I kept my gloves on, even though my hands now felt too warm, since the wind chill made it feel as if it was in the teens. Although I was warm, my legs had no power, and it wasn't completely due to the poor footing. I made the decision early on to cut my run back to 5 miles. Ignoring the pain in my groin area (Sorry ladies for this info.) the past 4 months no longer works. Nine hours later, it's still lingering, and actually feels worse. Tylenol doesn't work anymore, and my runs are no longer comfortable, especially afterwards when the real pain begins. Running for two days in a row like I did this weekend is a struggle. My times reflect that. The time has come for me to go see my doctor. My research leads me to believe it's either a sports hernia or a muscle strain. Of the two, the muscle strain would be better. Worse case scenario for a sports hernia is surgery and about 8 weeks of recovery time. To be continued....UPDATE: I'm not feeling as much pain as yesterday. However, I went to my doctor today, Monday. He has referred me to "Bob" the sports medicine dude at a physical therapy/aquatic therapy facility. My appointment is for this Wednesday.
* Not really
Today's Run: Linear Trail: 25 degrees. 5 miles; Splits: 9:59; 9:52; 10:18; 9:58; 9:45 49:52; 9:58 per mile average pace.
Yesterday's Run: Road: 23 degrees. 5 miles; Splits: 9:06, 9:06, 9:29, 8:59, 8:54; 45:34; 9:06 per mile average pace
WARNING: This post is a downer...
Today's run was planned for 7 miles, but I barely made 5 miles. I decided to run on the Farmington Canal Linear Trail today, but on a different part that is in the next town. I needed a change of scenery to help lift my mood and to motivate me. I drove the 5 miles from my house and when I arrived there I was disappointed. It was still covered in frozen snow. Apparently that part of the trail doesn't get plowed. I decided to give it a run, since it was pretty much packed down from people running and snowmobiling on it. Off I went, and it was a slow go. I was having difficulty with my footing, and my toes and fingertips were numb from the cold wind. I knew that it generally took me about 1 1/2 miles to warm up, so I wasn't too concerned. I was resigned to the fact that my time would be slow, and I was alright with that. At about the mile and a half point, my toes and hands did warm up. I kept my gloves on, even though my hands now felt too warm, since the wind chill made it feel as if it was in the teens. Although I was warm, my legs had no power, and it wasn't completely due to the poor footing. I made the decision early on to cut my run back to 5 miles. Ignoring the pain in my groin area (Sorry ladies for this info.) the past 4 months no longer works. Nine hours later, it's still lingering, and actually feels worse. Tylenol doesn't work anymore, and my runs are no longer comfortable, especially afterwards when the real pain begins. Running for two days in a row like I did this weekend is a struggle. My times reflect that. The time has come for me to go see my doctor. My research leads me to believe it's either a sports hernia or a muscle strain. Of the two, the muscle strain would be better. Worse case scenario for a sports hernia is surgery and about 8 weeks of recovery time. To be continued....UPDATE: I'm not feeling as much pain as yesterday. However, I went to my doctor today, Monday. He has referred me to "Bob" the sports medicine dude at a physical therapy/aquatic therapy facility. My appointment is for this Wednesday.
* Not really
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Running Naked Was Not a Good Idea
Yesterday's Run: Road: About 39.6 degrees I think. 3.4 miles; Splits: 8:53; 9:05; 8:55; 3:22; 30:15; 8:53 per mile average pace.
I didn't want to run, but I HAD to run.* I scheduled a haircut after work, I stopped at Double D for an iced coffee (Yes, on a winter's day, hazelnut with cream and sugar), I took my sweet ass time driving home, I got the mail, I read my e-mail, I read my Facebook (Feel free to request me as a friend-link is on my blog, bottom right), and dressed in my running gear as slowly as I could, hoping it would get dark and I'd change my mind. Sunset in Connecticut is 5 p.m now (Woo-Hoo!), so the stall tactics didn't work. So I put on my reflective armband, pressed the on button, and it weakly flashed and died. I took off my reflective armband, grabbed my newer reflective arm band with the bright, flashing red l.e.d. (I think) disco lights, velcro'd (I know-not a real word-sue me)it on my arm, had it keep sliding down my arm, swore, took off before mentioned armband, attached it to the back of my hat, checked out my unstudly physique wearing flashing disco hat in my dark bathroom mirror, got fascinated by red flashing disco lights reflecting in my bathroom mirror, had flashbacks to growing up in the '70's and HATING disco music, snapped out of it, and was ready to go for my run. Keep in mind I had already done everything I could to not run, still wasn't motivated to run, but for some unknown reason decided to run naked. If you've never run naked, I can say that I've done it before, and sometimes it works as far as feeling "as one" with your run, and sometimes (Like yesterday) it affects your performance in a negative way, meaning your run sucks. My run sucked. I was panting like a dog, the cold air felt extremely cold (Gee, I wonder why?!), and my slacker run of 3.4 miles felt like a marathon. Having Rachael** with me didn't help ease my pain. Even though I never felt like I was running comfortably and struggled the entire time, I surprised myself by averaging an 8:53 per mile pace. However, running naked, especially when you're not motivated to run, is definitely a bad idea. If I ever run naked again, I'm waiting until it's warmer and I can be comforted by the warm rays of the sun and the trees with leaves, and all the other great warm weather sights, sounds, and smells. I missed my MP3 player, I needed my music. I so regret running naked, without my MP3 player to keep me company and help motivate me. OK, update: NEVER type a blog at 4:30 a.m! Running naked was a poor attempt at humor on my part, meaning I ran without my mp3 player. Now that it's 8 hours later, I've been scolded by Stephanie, and reread my blog, I see the misunderstanding. So no, I did not run without clothes on. If anyone was offended by this post, so be it!
* Rough day at work
** Rachael is my Garmin. See previous post.
I didn't want to run, but I HAD to run.* I scheduled a haircut after work, I stopped at Double D for an iced coffee (Yes, on a winter's day, hazelnut with cream and sugar), I took my sweet ass time driving home, I got the mail, I read my e-mail, I read my Facebook (Feel free to request me as a friend-link is on my blog, bottom right), and dressed in my running gear as slowly as I could, hoping it would get dark and I'd change my mind. Sunset in Connecticut is 5 p.m now (Woo-Hoo!), so the stall tactics didn't work. So I put on my reflective armband, pressed the on button, and it weakly flashed and died. I took off my reflective armband, grabbed my newer reflective arm band with the bright, flashing red l.e.d. (I think) disco lights, velcro'd (I know-not a real word-sue me)it on my arm, had it keep sliding down my arm, swore, took off before mentioned armband, attached it to the back of my hat, checked out my unstudly physique wearing flashing disco hat in my dark bathroom mirror, got fascinated by red flashing disco lights reflecting in my bathroom mirror, had flashbacks to growing up in the '70's and HATING disco music, snapped out of it, and was ready to go for my run. Keep in mind I had already done everything I could to not run, still wasn't motivated to run, but for some unknown reason decided to run naked. If you've never run naked, I can say that I've done it before, and sometimes it works as far as feeling "as one" with your run, and sometimes (Like yesterday) it affects your performance in a negative way, meaning your run sucks. My run sucked. I was panting like a dog, the cold air felt extremely cold (Gee, I wonder why?!), and my slacker run of 3.4 miles felt like a marathon. Having Rachael** with me didn't help ease my pain. Even though I never felt like I was running comfortably and struggled the entire time, I surprised myself by averaging an 8:53 per mile pace. However, running naked, especially when you're not motivated to run, is definitely a bad idea. If I ever run naked again, I'm waiting until it's warmer and I can be comforted by the warm rays of the sun and the trees with leaves, and all the other great warm weather sights, sounds, and smells. I missed my MP3 player, I needed my music. I so regret running naked, without my MP3 player to keep me company and help motivate me. OK, update: NEVER type a blog at 4:30 a.m! Running naked was a poor attempt at humor on my part, meaning I ran without my mp3 player. Now that it's 8 hours later, I've been scolded by Stephanie, and reread my blog, I see the misunderstanding. So no, I did not run without clothes on. If anyone was offended by this post, so be it!
* Rough day at work
** Rachael is my Garmin. See previous post.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Whatever Direction the Wind is Blowing...
Today's Run: Road: 40 degrees. 4.1 miles; Splits: 9:03; 9:05; 9:00; 8:40; :44; 36:32; 8:54 per mile average pace.
Whatever direction the wind is blowing, my first mile will always be run into it, provided I'm running on the road. That's a fact I've finally recognized and accepted after 3 plus years of running on the roads of Cheshire, Connecticut. During the winter, this sucks since naturally the wind that's blowing certainly doesn't feel like a warm, tropical breeze. No, it tends to suck the wind out of me and leave me feeling like I'm running underwater. I must look really "cool" in more ways than one to those motorists unlucky enough to drive by me during that time. I wonder how many of them have contemplated dialing 911 to report a 53 year old man running with a contorted face having difficulty breathing. Today was one of those days. I was short on time, so I did my start at my house and run westward uphill into the wind for the first mile run. My other option would have been to start by running north, which of course also meant running my first mile into the wind. That being said, mile 1 was UGLY, mostly uphill, and I struggled to a 9:03 time. I actually expected Rachael, my Garmin, to display a slower time. I'm thinking that since she now has a name (See previous post) maybe she took some pity on me and fudged the time...or maybe not. Mile 2 I felt better, and the wind wasn't a factor. So how the heck did I run a slower 9:05 split? I'm blaming it on Rachael. I think I'm going to like this name thing. If I have a bad split time or a bad total time, it's Rachael's fault. OK, not really. But I really don't understand the slower mile 2. Mile 3, running again into the wind, due to me having fun with my run (Hey, that rhymes) and randomly choosing streets to run on. So go figure, a 9 minute split. Heading for home, wind at my back, and feeling warm and cozy (Gay, huh?!) resulted in an 8:40 mile 4 split, and an extra 1/10 of a mile for good luck took just 44 seconds. Total time was 36:32, for an average mile time of 8:54. Much better than I expected, and very satisfying since my running goal this time of year is a 9 minute or better pace per mile average.
Whatever direction the wind is blowing, my first mile will always be run into it, provided I'm running on the road. That's a fact I've finally recognized and accepted after 3 plus years of running on the roads of Cheshire, Connecticut. During the winter, this sucks since naturally the wind that's blowing certainly doesn't feel like a warm, tropical breeze. No, it tends to suck the wind out of me and leave me feeling like I'm running underwater. I must look really "cool" in more ways than one to those motorists unlucky enough to drive by me during that time. I wonder how many of them have contemplated dialing 911 to report a 53 year old man running with a contorted face having difficulty breathing. Today was one of those days. I was short on time, so I did my start at my house and run westward uphill into the wind for the first mile run. My other option would have been to start by running north, which of course also meant running my first mile into the wind. That being said, mile 1 was UGLY, mostly uphill, and I struggled to a 9:03 time. I actually expected Rachael, my Garmin, to display a slower time. I'm thinking that since she now has a name (See previous post) maybe she took some pity on me and fudged the time...or maybe not. Mile 2 I felt better, and the wind wasn't a factor. So how the heck did I run a slower 9:05 split? I'm blaming it on Rachael. I think I'm going to like this name thing. If I have a bad split time or a bad total time, it's Rachael's fault. OK, not really. But I really don't understand the slower mile 2. Mile 3, running again into the wind, due to me having fun with my run (Hey, that rhymes) and randomly choosing streets to run on. So go figure, a 9 minute split. Heading for home, wind at my back, and feeling warm and cozy (Gay, huh?!) resulted in an 8:40 mile 4 split, and an extra 1/10 of a mile for good luck took just 44 seconds. Total time was 36:32, for an average mile time of 8:54. Much better than I expected, and very satisfying since my running goal this time of year is a 9 minute or better pace per mile average.
Monday, January 25, 2010
An "Epic" Run(ner)?!
Yesterday's (Sunday)Run: Road: 35 degrees. 6.1 miles; Splits: 9:15; 8:59; 8:54; 9:02; 9:07; 8:59; :53 55:09; 9:02 per mile average pace.
"Epic": Adjective: Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size; Heroic and impressive in quality.
Rachael (Mentioned in my previous post) has given me permission to share with those of you who still actually read my blog the kind comments she wrote on the card which she enclosed with the book I won in her giveaway. Yes, I know that was a long sentence. It's 4:30 a.m., and I'm completing this post which I started writing yesterday if you must know. And I'm only on my first cup of caffeine. So sentence composition and structure don't count. So, here are the kind words she wrote: "You are such an inspiration to me and I really hope you continue to run + run hard!" OK, so that's not everything she wrote, but that's the first sentence of it. That's the sentence that you now see under the "Comments" section of my blog. That comment along with her comment on my last post "You simply amaze me. I can't wait until I'm your age** and I can smear my abilities in the faces of little newbies like me. Epic, that's what you are" were very motivational when I went out for my run on Sunday. So motivational in fact that I've decided to name my next child after her.* I wasn't at all excited about going for a run on Sunday. Ever since I've returned from Las Vegas I've been cursing the 30 degree temperatures here in Connecticut. Plus it was dark and grey, not sunny and Vegas "glitzy." With the New York City Half Marathon 8 weeks away, I knew I had to start running longer distances. I drove to the linear trail, parked, and decided a longer than usual 4 mile run would be 5 miles. Told you I wasn't excited to run. At least I was running on the road and the trail, instead of just the trail. Off I went, and my first mile was mainly uphill. I felt like I was running well, but Garmin disagreed. First mile: 9:15. Slow for me, and discouraging since my first mile time usually dictates how the rest of my run will go. I decided to try to relax, listen to my "epic" 70's tunes, and just have fun. Screw my splits. (Note: I will be using the term epic in the wrong way and overusing it from here on). Well, it worked. Mile 2 was an epic 8:59 (I love it when I break a 9 minute split); mile 3 another epic sub 9 minute time of 8:54. Uh oh, slacker Rick's legs getting heavy, and an unepic (almost the word epic) mile 4 of 9:02 and mile 5 of 9:07. Lucky for me I miscalculated when I would arrive at the trail, so with a few extra epic loops, I added on an extra 1/4 + mile and ended up running 6.1 miles instead of my planned 5 miles. Plus my last mile split was an epic 8:59. Overall, I ran for 55:09, and averaged a 9:02 per mile pace. Although it was a little slower than I had hoped, I ran an extra 1.1 epic miles, so I'm (substitute whatever adjectives you want that mean extremely thrilled) that I was able to run 6.1 miles and "overachieve."
I think I covered everything I wanted to say. In closing, I want to say that you need to follow/stalk Rachael's blog. She's freakin' hilarious, she's crazy, and maybe someday she'll run as good as this 53 year old epic runner. :-) I'm terrible at creating links, and it's early, so just go to my previous post and click on the link to her blog that's there. Because, read previous sentence.
* I'm lying. I'm not having any more children. I'm naming my unnamed Garmin after her...until I change my mind, if ever. So my Garmin has a first name, it's R-a-c-h-a-e-l, my Garmin has a second name, it's...oh, never mind. Reminds me of a bologna commercial from years ago.
** Apparently she thinks I'm also ancient. Come on, 53 is...old enough to be most of you out there's father. Point well made. But I still feel your age. So there, 20-something runners!
"Epic": Adjective: Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size; Heroic and impressive in quality.
Rachael (Mentioned in my previous post) has given me permission to share with those of you who still actually read my blog the kind comments she wrote on the card which she enclosed with the book I won in her giveaway. Yes, I know that was a long sentence. It's 4:30 a.m., and I'm completing this post which I started writing yesterday if you must know. And I'm only on my first cup of caffeine. So sentence composition and structure don't count. So, here are the kind words she wrote: "You are such an inspiration to me and I really hope you continue to run + run hard!" OK, so that's not everything she wrote, but that's the first sentence of it. That's the sentence that you now see under the "Comments" section of my blog. That comment along with her comment on my last post "You simply amaze me. I can't wait until I'm your age** and I can smear my abilities in the faces of little newbies like me. Epic, that's what you are" were very motivational when I went out for my run on Sunday. So motivational in fact that I've decided to name my next child after her.* I wasn't at all excited about going for a run on Sunday. Ever since I've returned from Las Vegas I've been cursing the 30 degree temperatures here in Connecticut. Plus it was dark and grey, not sunny and Vegas "glitzy." With the New York City Half Marathon 8 weeks away, I knew I had to start running longer distances. I drove to the linear trail, parked, and decided a longer than usual 4 mile run would be 5 miles. Told you I wasn't excited to run. At least I was running on the road and the trail, instead of just the trail. Off I went, and my first mile was mainly uphill. I felt like I was running well, but Garmin disagreed. First mile: 9:15. Slow for me, and discouraging since my first mile time usually dictates how the rest of my run will go. I decided to try to relax, listen to my "epic" 70's tunes, and just have fun. Screw my splits. (Note: I will be using the term epic in the wrong way and overusing it from here on). Well, it worked. Mile 2 was an epic 8:59 (I love it when I break a 9 minute split); mile 3 another epic sub 9 minute time of 8:54. Uh oh, slacker Rick's legs getting heavy, and an unepic (almost the word epic) mile 4 of 9:02 and mile 5 of 9:07. Lucky for me I miscalculated when I would arrive at the trail, so with a few extra epic loops, I added on an extra 1/4 + mile and ended up running 6.1 miles instead of my planned 5 miles. Plus my last mile split was an epic 8:59. Overall, I ran for 55:09, and averaged a 9:02 per mile pace. Although it was a little slower than I had hoped, I ran an extra 1.1 epic miles, so I'm (substitute whatever adjectives you want that mean extremely thrilled) that I was able to run 6.1 miles and "overachieve."
I think I covered everything I wanted to say. In closing, I want to say that you need to follow/stalk Rachael's blog. She's freakin' hilarious, she's crazy, and maybe someday she'll run as good as this 53 year old epic runner. :-) I'm terrible at creating links, and it's early, so just go to my previous post and click on the link to her blog that's there. Because, read previous sentence.
* I'm lying. I'm not having any more children. I'm naming my unnamed Garmin after her...until I change my mind, if ever. So my Garmin has a first name, it's R-a-c-h-a-e-l, my Garmin has a second name, it's...oh, never mind. Reminds me of a bologna commercial from years ago.
** Apparently she thinks I'm also ancient. Come on, 53 is...old enough to be most of you out there's father. Point well made. But I still feel your age. So there, 20-something runners!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Thank-You and My Price is Right Story
Today's Run: Linear Trail: 34 degrees. 4 miles; Splits: 8:39; 8:44; 8:41; 8:32; 34:36; 8:39 per mile average pace.
I had taken the past four days off for some R+R (Rest and Relaxation). Monday's run as I said in my post was a struggle and probably did more harm than good. So I had low expectations as I once again headed to the Farmington Canal Linear Trail for a 4 miler. I was hoping to average around a 9 minute per mile pace, but honestly was expecting more like a 9:15 per mile average pace. Even though it was only 34 degrees, the wind was calm so it felt warmer. (About two months from now is spring...sigh...) As usual, I was wearing my favorite very comfortable Nike running top, shorts, pants, and hat, a long sleeved tech shirt, and of course my running socks and shoes. At the last minute I decided to leave my gloves in my car, a decision I regretted for the first 1 1/2 miles. As I started running, I expected to feel the same WTF pain I described in Monday's post. I didn't, so immediately was off to a better than expected start. I felt comfortable and like I hadn't had a layoff, which was great. My stride felt well, and lead legs and cement shoes feeling were no where to be found. Wow, I was having fun and grooving listening to my combination 70's and current songs on my MP3 player. Mile 1 came rather easily, and still unnamed Garmin beeped and displayed an 8:39 mile. I did a double take. Sweet! I was way ahead of my expected per mile pace. My mile 1 split always indicates how well my run is going to go, so I knew I was going to have a good run today. Miles 1 to 2 felt good as well, and I was enjoying running on the trail with other runners and walkers. During the week this time of year I sometimes run alone on the trail. Mile 2 also seemed to come quickly, and it was a little slower, at 8:44. I was disappointed, since my goal is always to run negative splits. I slowed down at mile 2.03, quickly turned around and headed back. I was determined to run negative splits for the remaining two miles, but at the same time didn't want to push myself too hard due to just getting over my sinus infection and still not being 100%. Mile 3 came and was an 8:41, three seconds faster than mile two. One mile to go, and I was picking up the pace a little bit. At mile 3 1/2 I glanced at my watch, and determined that I was ahead of my mile 3 pace by a little bit. So I increased my speed, again, not too quickly. I completed the last mile in 8:32, which was far better than I had expected. So overall, I had negative splits for miles two through four, and averaged an 8:39 per mile pace. I felt as if I'm back to normal with my running, which is good since the New York City Half Marathon is eight weeks from tomorrow.
Today I received a special gift in the mail. Rachael of had a contest, and I was fortunate to win it despite having just one entry. I won an autographed copy of The Runner's Rule Book, by Mark Remy. Along with the book was a very nice card with a note from Rachael. If she gives me permission, I'll share with you what she wrote. Thank-you SO much Rachael for the great gift. As soon as I'm done writing my post, I'm going to read the book.
Also, I promised you a while back that I'd share my Price is Right Las Vegas adventure with you. Well, although it still pains me to talk/write about it, here goes. My wife Kathy and I were 2 of 125 people who signed up and paid the $50 each to be in audience of the Las Vegas version of it. It was taking place at Bally's, and is hosted by Todd Newton ("E! News Live," "Coming Attractions" and "Whammy! The All New Press Your Luck"). Dave Ruprecht, who hosted Supermarket Sweep in the '90's was the announcer. Well, for the final showcase showdown they chose two names at random, and I happened to be one of them. So some dude from Boston and I were up on the stage, in front of 123 other audience members, with a chance to win the showcase. Regular Price is Right rules applied, meaning if you overbid, you lose. There was a New England Patriots football, a New England Patriots jacket, a Heineken kegerator, an outdoor entertainment system with a movie projector and inflatable screen, a 4 day cruise for two to Mexico, and a Nissan Versa car. We had ten seconds to write down our bids. I quickly did the math in my head, figuring the football and jacket were about $50, the kegerator about $450, the entertainment system about $500, the cruise about $3000, and the car about $15,000; for a total of $19,000. To be safe, or so I thought, I bid $18,995. He bid $24,999. So if the actual retail price had been between $18,995 and $24,998, I would have won. Well, the actual retail price was only $15,000 something. We both overbid and lost. To this day if I hear the music from the Price is Right, or look at the home version that they give me, I get depressed. I'm getting better though. I guess time will heal me. Telling you guys and everyone I know about it has helped also. Not one person has told me they would have bid less than I did, so that helps. If you would have bid lower and won, I don't want to know, OK?!
I had taken the past four days off for some R+R (Rest and Relaxation). Monday's run as I said in my post was a struggle and probably did more harm than good. So I had low expectations as I once again headed to the Farmington Canal Linear Trail for a 4 miler. I was hoping to average around a 9 minute per mile pace, but honestly was expecting more like a 9:15 per mile average pace. Even though it was only 34 degrees, the wind was calm so it felt warmer. (About two months from now is spring...sigh...) As usual, I was wearing my favorite very comfortable Nike running top, shorts, pants, and hat, a long sleeved tech shirt, and of course my running socks and shoes. At the last minute I decided to leave my gloves in my car, a decision I regretted for the first 1 1/2 miles. As I started running, I expected to feel the same WTF pain I described in Monday's post. I didn't, so immediately was off to a better than expected start. I felt comfortable and like I hadn't had a layoff, which was great. My stride felt well, and lead legs and cement shoes feeling were no where to be found. Wow, I was having fun and grooving listening to my combination 70's and current songs on my MP3 player. Mile 1 came rather easily, and still unnamed Garmin beeped and displayed an 8:39 mile. I did a double take. Sweet! I was way ahead of my expected per mile pace. My mile 1 split always indicates how well my run is going to go, so I knew I was going to have a good run today. Miles 1 to 2 felt good as well, and I was enjoying running on the trail with other runners and walkers. During the week this time of year I sometimes run alone on the trail. Mile 2 also seemed to come quickly, and it was a little slower, at 8:44. I was disappointed, since my goal is always to run negative splits. I slowed down at mile 2.03, quickly turned around and headed back. I was determined to run negative splits for the remaining two miles, but at the same time didn't want to push myself too hard due to just getting over my sinus infection and still not being 100%. Mile 3 came and was an 8:41, three seconds faster than mile two. One mile to go, and I was picking up the pace a little bit. At mile 3 1/2 I glanced at my watch, and determined that I was ahead of my mile 3 pace by a little bit. So I increased my speed, again, not too quickly. I completed the last mile in 8:32, which was far better than I had expected. So overall, I had negative splits for miles two through four, and averaged an 8:39 per mile pace. I felt as if I'm back to normal with my running, which is good since the New York City Half Marathon is eight weeks from tomorrow.
Today I received a special gift in the mail. Rachael of had a contest, and I was fortunate to win it despite having just one entry. I won an autographed copy of The Runner's Rule Book, by Mark Remy. Along with the book was a very nice card with a note from Rachael. If she gives me permission, I'll share with you what she wrote. Thank-you SO much Rachael for the great gift. As soon as I'm done writing my post, I'm going to read the book.
Also, I promised you a while back that I'd share my Price is Right Las Vegas adventure with you. Well, although it still pains me to talk/write about it, here goes. My wife Kathy and I were 2 of 125 people who signed up and paid the $50 each to be in audience of the Las Vegas version of it. It was taking place at Bally's, and is hosted by Todd Newton ("E! News Live," "Coming Attractions" and "Whammy! The All New Press Your Luck"). Dave Ruprecht, who hosted Supermarket Sweep in the '90's was the announcer. Well, for the final showcase showdown they chose two names at random, and I happened to be one of them. So some dude from Boston and I were up on the stage, in front of 123 other audience members, with a chance to win the showcase. Regular Price is Right rules applied, meaning if you overbid, you lose. There was a New England Patriots football, a New England Patriots jacket, a Heineken kegerator, an outdoor entertainment system with a movie projector and inflatable screen, a 4 day cruise for two to Mexico, and a Nissan Versa car. We had ten seconds to write down our bids. I quickly did the math in my head, figuring the football and jacket were about $50, the kegerator about $450, the entertainment system about $500, the cruise about $3000, and the car about $15,000; for a total of $19,000. To be safe, or so I thought, I bid $18,995. He bid $24,999. So if the actual retail price had been between $18,995 and $24,998, I would have won. Well, the actual retail price was only $15,000 something. We both overbid and lost. To this day if I hear the music from the Price is Right, or look at the home version that they give me, I get depressed. I'm getting better though. I guess time will heal me. Telling you guys and everyone I know about it has helped also. Not one person has told me they would have bid less than I did, so that helps. If you would have bid lower and won, I don't want to know, OK?!
Monday, January 18, 2010
"Stone Cold"
Today's Run: Linear Trail: 27 degrees. 4 miles; Splits: 9:26; 9:33; 9:32; 9:31; 38:02; 9:30 per mile average (snail's) pace.
Cold temperatures, the end of a sinus infection, and a ten day layoff = running at a pace that I ran at when I resumed running 3 1/2 years ago. I have nothing, nada, zilch, zero, good to say about today's run other than I somehow completed it. I wanted to ease myself back into running after a ten day layoff and having just recovered from a sinus infection. Ease myself I did, but by a ridiculously slower than molasses flowing uphill on a cold Connecticut day run. When I began my run, I immediately got a "WTF" reaction from my legs. After all, they had gotten used to 62 degree temperatures in Las Vegas along with leisurely strolls along the strip. How dare I expect them to move faster and in below freezing temperatures? Never mind the fact that portions of the trail were covered with icy slush...and that certainly wasn't a warm Vegas breeze blowing in my face when I turned and headed back at mile 2. Nothing beats "slush running" with a cold breeze blowing in your face as your toes turn to stones. (You can't spell stones without "toes"). Speaking of stones, since when did my running shoes with less than 100 miles on them feel like they're made of concrete?! So yeah, it was a stellar day of running. But hey, I did it. It sucked, it hurt, and it wasn't fun. But I'm back to doing what I love to do... Running. Nine weeks to lose the concrete shoes, shake off the cobwebs, WD-40 the running rust, regain my running mojo, and compete in the New York City Half Marathon. Life is good. As far as a training program, I may use Hal Higdon's Intermediate Training Program (Thanks, Lindsay). Or I may just wing it. I'm not sure how anal I want to be training for a half marathon. Also, I'm low on time, but at some point will update you on my Las Vegas Price is Right adventure. Lastly, I truly admire the few faithful followers who continue to comment on my blog despite the face I'm WAY behind commenting on yours. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!!! You guys are the best. Hopefully I can catch up this week on your blogs.
Cold temperatures, the end of a sinus infection, and a ten day layoff = running at a pace that I ran at when I resumed running 3 1/2 years ago. I have nothing, nada, zilch, zero, good to say about today's run other than I somehow completed it. I wanted to ease myself back into running after a ten day layoff and having just recovered from a sinus infection. Ease myself I did, but by a ridiculously slower than molasses flowing uphill on a cold Connecticut day run. When I began my run, I immediately got a "WTF" reaction from my legs. After all, they had gotten used to 62 degree temperatures in Las Vegas along with leisurely strolls along the strip. How dare I expect them to move faster and in below freezing temperatures? Never mind the fact that portions of the trail were covered with icy slush...and that certainly wasn't a warm Vegas breeze blowing in my face when I turned and headed back at mile 2. Nothing beats "slush running" with a cold breeze blowing in your face as your toes turn to stones. (You can't spell stones without "toes"). Speaking of stones, since when did my running shoes with less than 100 miles on them feel like they're made of concrete?! So yeah, it was a stellar day of running. But hey, I did it. It sucked, it hurt, and it wasn't fun. But I'm back to doing what I love to do... Running. Nine weeks to lose the concrete shoes, shake off the cobwebs, WD-40 the running rust, regain my running mojo, and compete in the New York City Half Marathon. Life is good. As far as a training program, I may use Hal Higdon's Intermediate Training Program (Thanks, Lindsay). Or I may just wing it. I'm not sure how anal I want to be training for a half marathon. Also, I'm low on time, but at some point will update you on my Las Vegas Price is Right adventure. Lastly, I truly admire the few faithful followers who continue to comment on my blog despite the face I'm WAY behind commenting on yours. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!!! You guys are the best. Hopefully I can catch up this week on your blogs.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Half Marathon Training Schedule Needed
A quick "Price is Right" update. Since it was a Las Vegas version of the Price is Right, it had different hosts and will not be televised.
I need your help. I need a good half marathon training schedule. I'm finally starting to feel better, so I want to resume running in a few days. However, since I'm visually motivated, I need a printed training schedule to motivate me. Thanks!
I need your help. I need a good half marathon training schedule. I'm finally starting to feel better, so I want to resume running in a few days. However, since I'm visually motivated, I need a printed training schedule to motivate me. Thanks!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The Price is WRONG!!
If you ever get on the Price is Right Las Vegas version with a chance to win a Nissan Versa, a Heineken kegolator, an outdoor theater system and a cruise to Mexico, DON'T overbid....Yes, I did and I did! Details in a day or two. No, I didn't run while I was there, but I walked a LOT! It was 64 degrees and sunny's 32 degrees and cold here. Plus I lost 3 hours coming back to Eastern Standard Time...and I have a wicked cold...OK, no more whining! Hope all of you are doing well.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Last Run Before Las Vegas Vacation
Today's Run: Linear Trail: 32 degrees. 4 miles; Splits: 9:00; 9:00; 9:16; 8:45; 36:01; 9:00 per mile average pace.
One last run today before my wife and I head to Vegas for a mini vacation. We're leaving tomorrow and returning late next Wednesday. As much as I want to run in the predicted daily high temperature of 63 degrees (Compared to the 20's this weekend in Connecticut), I probably won't. The thought of packing sweaty running gear for the trip back home just doesn't appeal to me. Besides, I know that I'll probably be drinking too much beer anyhow since I've Googled the names of breweries in Vegas and formulated a game plan for going to all of them. :-)
Today's run was another run on snow. The linear trail had a fresh coat of about an inch or so of fresh snow. As usual, the first 1 1/2 miles of the trail was easy to run on since it's normally plowed and there wasn't much of a snow accumulation. Miles 1 1/2 to 2 were more difficult because of that part of the trail never being plowed and having about 3 inches deep of snow ruts to run around and through. I skidded to a halt just after my still unnamed Garmin beeped at mile 2, turned around and ran back the way I had come. So I had the uneven terrain for miles 2 to 2 1/2 as well. I'm blaming that for my 9:16 mile 3 pace after a 9 minute mile for miles 1 and 2. Once I was back on the blacktop at mile 2 1/2, my legs felt tired. However I still managed to break a 9 minute mile with an 8:45 last mile. Overall, I averaged a 9 minute mile pace, so I'm happy. Speaking of me being happy, I received some good news today: "You’ve been accepted to run the 2010 NYC Half-Marathon on March 21. The NYC Half, like the ING New York City Marathon, is an iconic race that inspires runners and fans alike with a course that includes some of the best sights in Manhattan." This is the first year it's being run in March, so it will be a great (first race of 2010?)race for me to look forward to. After running in the NY City Marathon last November, I know how well New Yorkers support us runners.
Well, I'm still WAY behind reading your blogs, and of course won't be reading them again for another week. My apologies again, and I'll be catching up (hopefully) next weekend. Thanks to those of you who are still commenting on my blog. Your loyalty and nice comments are greatly appreciated. Before I go, I must mention that I HATE going in airplanes. Yup, it's going to be an adventurous 6 hours tomorrow flying from Connecticut to Las Vegas. Hey, at least it's only 5 hours coming home. I guess that's it...sorry for the lack of creativity in this post. Are you still awake?! Hello????
One last run today before my wife and I head to Vegas for a mini vacation. We're leaving tomorrow and returning late next Wednesday. As much as I want to run in the predicted daily high temperature of 63 degrees (Compared to the 20's this weekend in Connecticut), I probably won't. The thought of packing sweaty running gear for the trip back home just doesn't appeal to me. Besides, I know that I'll probably be drinking too much beer anyhow since I've Googled the names of breweries in Vegas and formulated a game plan for going to all of them. :-)
Today's run was another run on snow. The linear trail had a fresh coat of about an inch or so of fresh snow. As usual, the first 1 1/2 miles of the trail was easy to run on since it's normally plowed and there wasn't much of a snow accumulation. Miles 1 1/2 to 2 were more difficult because of that part of the trail never being plowed and having about 3 inches deep of snow ruts to run around and through. I skidded to a halt just after my still unnamed Garmin beeped at mile 2, turned around and ran back the way I had come. So I had the uneven terrain for miles 2 to 2 1/2 as well. I'm blaming that for my 9:16 mile 3 pace after a 9 minute mile for miles 1 and 2. Once I was back on the blacktop at mile 2 1/2, my legs felt tired. However I still managed to break a 9 minute mile with an 8:45 last mile. Overall, I averaged a 9 minute mile pace, so I'm happy. Speaking of me being happy, I received some good news today: "You’ve been accepted to run the 2010 NYC Half-Marathon on March 21. The NYC Half, like the ING New York City Marathon, is an iconic race that inspires runners and fans alike with a course that includes some of the best sights in Manhattan." This is the first year it's being run in March, so it will be a great (first race of 2010?)race for me to look forward to. After running in the NY City Marathon last November, I know how well New Yorkers support us runners.
Well, I'm still WAY behind reading your blogs, and of course won't be reading them again for another week. My apologies again, and I'll be catching up (hopefully) next weekend. Thanks to those of you who are still commenting on my blog. Your loyalty and nice comments are greatly appreciated. Before I go, I must mention that I HATE going in airplanes. Yup, it's going to be an adventurous 6 hours tomorrow flying from Connecticut to Las Vegas. Hey, at least it's only 5 hours coming home. I guess that's it...sorry for the lack of creativity in this post. Are you still awake?! Hello????
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Safety Pin, URC, and Thanks Mel
1/2 Run: Linear Trail: 27 degrees. 6.2 miles; Splits: 9:32; 9:33; 9:47; 10:02; 10:07; 9:47; 1:50; 1:00:38; 9:45 per mile average pace.
1/3 Run: Linear Trail: 14 degrees. 3 miles; Splits: 10:16; 10:10; 9:57; 30:23; 10:07 per mile average pace.
1/5 Run: Road: 28 degrees. 4 miles; Splits: 9:10; 9:00; 8:56; 8:49; 35:55; 8:58 per mile average pace.
I decided to start the new year with a longer than usual run this past Saturday, so I went to my favorite place to run, the Farmington Canal Linear Trail. It was a brisk 27 degrees and I was dressed in my normal boring running attire (See previous post about running attire). Before leaving home I had remembered to finally take a look underneath my right shoe figuring it was time to remove the annoying "pebble" that was lodged in the bottom. It had been there since the Christopher Martin's Race in mid December, and at times would bother me when I was running or walking. Said pebble wasn't a pebble. It was a
I don't know how I was running with it embedded in the sole of my shoe. That sucker was in deep, so deep that it took me three attempts to pull it out. 6.2, aka 10K was a challenge. I already had cut myself a deal that my time didn't matter, so the pressure was off. Hence my 1 hour and thirty-eight seconds slow and easy run. Actually, it was easy for miles zero to 1 1/2, and 4.7 to 6.2. Those were run on the cleared part of the trail. The other parts of the trail weren't cleared, so that meant I was avoiding ice spots and rough spots in the snow. Back to the trail the next day for what I called the "Ultimate Running Challenge" (URC). It was snowing, the wind was blowing, and the temperature was 14 degrees, with a wind chill around zero degrees. I had doubled up on my tech shirts, put on my running attire, and gotten some supportive comments from my wife and son ("You're crazy" and "Jackass") prior to leaving the house. As promised, I dedicated my URC to Lisa who's injured right now. It was definitely a challenging run, since it was more of a 3 mile shuffle due to me not wanting to fall on my ass on the freshly fallen snow covered trail. The wind wasn't a factor until I turned around at the halfway point and headed back. Then it was me vs. the elements, as the wind blown snow kept attacking me. It was me being at one with Mother Nature, since I was running without my mp3 player because I wanted to make sure my ears would be completely covered. The only sounds were my feet crunching in the snow and the wind whistling by my head. At some point during the run I did the math...76 days until the Vernal Equinox. I finished in 30:23, but since I stayed warm and didn't suffer frostbite I consider it a successful and rewarding run. Monday was a day off so I could work my once a week night as a receptionist at Weight Watchers. That in itself is another blog which I may write some day. Yesterday I wanted to run but wasn't going to run. So I posted this on my Facebook: "I need to get myself outside for a run....I have NO, none, zero, zilch motivation to go..." I immediately received a response from Mel, of which simply said "GO." After I said I would, she sent me some more encouragement, saying "and I bet you'll have no regrets and will be happy that you did :)" Well, that was the push I needed. Although I HATE to run when it's dark out, I indeed did go for a run, and wore my Duravision Pro Reflective Armband with 4 LED Lights so that I was easy to see. My planned 3 mile run ended up being 4 miles because it felt great. I had negative splits, and averaged an 8:58 per mile pace which is faster than usual for me this time of year. So Mel, thanks for the kick in the ass that I needed. I indeed did not have any regrets and was happy that I ran.
1/3 Run: Linear Trail: 14 degrees. 3 miles; Splits: 10:16; 10:10; 9:57; 30:23; 10:07 per mile average pace.
1/5 Run: Road: 28 degrees. 4 miles; Splits: 9:10; 9:00; 8:56; 8:49; 35:55; 8:58 per mile average pace.
I decided to start the new year with a longer than usual run this past Saturday, so I went to my favorite place to run, the Farmington Canal Linear Trail. It was a brisk 27 degrees and I was dressed in my normal boring running attire (See previous post about running attire). Before leaving home I had remembered to finally take a look underneath my right shoe figuring it was time to remove the annoying "pebble" that was lodged in the bottom. It had been there since the Christopher Martin's Race in mid December, and at times would bother me when I was running or walking. Said pebble wasn't a pebble. It was a

I don't know how I was running with it embedded in the sole of my shoe. That sucker was in deep, so deep that it took me three attempts to pull it out. 6.2, aka 10K was a challenge. I already had cut myself a deal that my time didn't matter, so the pressure was off. Hence my 1 hour and thirty-eight seconds slow and easy run. Actually, it was easy for miles zero to 1 1/2, and 4.7 to 6.2. Those were run on the cleared part of the trail. The other parts of the trail weren't cleared, so that meant I was avoiding ice spots and rough spots in the snow. Back to the trail the next day for what I called the "Ultimate Running Challenge" (URC). It was snowing, the wind was blowing, and the temperature was 14 degrees, with a wind chill around zero degrees. I had doubled up on my tech shirts, put on my running attire, and gotten some supportive comments from my wife and son ("You're crazy" and "Jackass") prior to leaving the house. As promised, I dedicated my URC to Lisa who's injured right now. It was definitely a challenging run, since it was more of a 3 mile shuffle due to me not wanting to fall on my ass on the freshly fallen snow covered trail. The wind wasn't a factor until I turned around at the halfway point and headed back. Then it was me vs. the elements, as the wind blown snow kept attacking me. It was me being at one with Mother Nature, since I was running without my mp3 player because I wanted to make sure my ears would be completely covered. The only sounds were my feet crunching in the snow and the wind whistling by my head. At some point during the run I did the math...76 days until the Vernal Equinox. I finished in 30:23, but since I stayed warm and didn't suffer frostbite I consider it a successful and rewarding run. Monday was a day off so I could work my once a week night as a receptionist at Weight Watchers. That in itself is another blog which I may write some day. Yesterday I wanted to run but wasn't going to run. So I posted this on my Facebook: "I need to get myself outside for a run....I have NO, none, zero, zilch motivation to go..." I immediately received a response from Mel, of which simply said "GO." After I said I would, she sent me some more encouragement, saying "and I bet you'll have no regrets and will be happy that you did :)" Well, that was the push I needed. Although I HATE to run when it's dark out, I indeed did go for a run, and wore my Duravision Pro Reflective Armband with 4 LED Lights so that I was easy to see. My planned 3 mile run ended up being 4 miles because it felt great. I had negative splits, and averaged an 8:58 per mile pace which is faster than usual for me this time of year. So Mel, thanks for the kick in the ass that I needed. I indeed did not have any regrets and was happy that I ran.
Anybody Want to Run From CT to MA?!
OK, who wants to run as part of a relay team from New Haven to Boston? It's from May 21st to 22nd, and we need either 6 or 12 runners to have a team. "Newbies" welcome. Click on link below (if it works!) or copy and paste for more info.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Remember Me?! Happy New Year!
Has it really been 2 weeks since I posted and commented on your blogs? Shame on me! I just wanted to check in and say "Hi" to everyone out there in Bloggerland. I'm still alive, still running outside in this ridiculously cold Connecticut weather, and counting down the days until spring arrives. I hate all of you that are complaining about it being too hot! I'll trade you a cold and windy 32 degree "feels like" 10 degrees freezing my ass off and my toes and fingertips are cold day any day! At least it's getting darker later, so I don't have to worry about running in the dark and tripping on sidewalk cracks or running into telephone poles or garbage cans. My times have been consistent; around an 8:50 per mile average pace, with my usual negative splits. The cold air has me gasping for breaths the first half mile or so, especially if I start by running uphill. I compare it to being underwater and trying to suck in air. However I am always prepared: I wear my Runner's ID bracelet that my wonderful daughter bought me. This way should I pass out and become a sidewalk popsicle, the medics have the option of calling my wife or daughter and telling them what a jackass I was for running in subzero wind chill temperatures. No, I won't run on a "dreadmill" or go to the gym. Too "germy" and too boring. My favorite running route, the Farmington Canal Linear Trail does get plowed whenever it snows, but only the first 1 1/2 miles. So that sucks, but I appreciate the mile and a half of quiet time with nice scenery. Surprise, I'm usually the only person on it. Speaking of nice scenery, excuse me ladies for saying this, but I've started appreciating the winter apparel that you wear when you run. It's cool that you have such fashionable attire to wear, while us guys run wearing the boring gray or black...well, at least this 53 year old man does. I just can't wear those leggings that men wear (scary), or something bright and colorful. Women can pull it off, and pull it off well. Heck, you even have hats that allow room for your ponytails. Who's better than you? I'll stick to wearing my bought on sale at a great price Nike or other brand name gray or black tops and bottoms, and leave the fashion statements to all you ladies. Sorry, I got sidetracked...
If I run on the sidewalks there's always areas where they're not shoveled, or are shoveled and have icy areas. Road running becomes a challenge, because there's always a car or two that passes me by as close to me as possible. It's like a game of "chicken." I wish the driver would at least slow down and give me a high five out their window. Maybe I should run with a key in my hand and stick it out as they graze me and reward them with a cool keyed racing stripe the entire length of their car. OK, I'm just kidding...
Hey, I had New Years running resolutions. Let's see, I have to go find them in my blog. Be right back...Here they are! 1) Always have fun whenever I run: Always?! OK, I mostly had fun whenever I ran. Close enough. Goal accomplished. 2) Stay injury free. NOT! After an initial diagnosis last January of Achilles Tendonitis by what turned out to be an incompetent podiatrist, complete with a VERY painful cortisone shot, I actually found out by going to a competent podiatrist in April that I had Morton's Neuroma, which is far less serious and doesn't require cortisone shots. 3) Run at least 1 marathon this year; two if my body can handle the training. DONE! I ran the Hartford Marathon and the NY City Marathon. 4) Place in the top three in my division in any race and win a cheesy award. Well, I did and I did! Back in May I entered a new 5K race, hoping to win an award against less than stellar competition. My strategy worked, as I came in 2nd and won....drumroll please...four 2 oz. bags of Brioni coffee and a "Hotel California Tequila" t-shirt. 5) Read as many running blogs as I can, and be supportive of my fellow runners by commenting in their blogs. That was easy...done! P.S. Welcome to my 3 new stalkers/followers. EricaH, Continuous Changes, and GISRunner 6) Buy the Garmin Forerunner 305 so that I can better track my progress. I was like Ralphie from "A Christmas Story." Ralphie said: "I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!" I said: "I want an official Garmin Forerunner 305 high sensitivity GPS receiver with new courses feature and robust wireless heart rate monitor for optimal performance." Ha! I bought it, and it still needs a name! 7) Run as many races as possible with my daughter. It's definitely quality "father/daughter" time. Did it, and have the best race pic ever with her. See the pic under "About Me" in this blog. 8) Run a race with a "blog buddy." Well, I didn't run a race with a blog buddy, but I did run in the same races as two of my blog buddies: Carlee and Lindsay. I've also met them both, so to me that counts.
OK, gotta go now. Time to go prepare for the new year. I'll be attempting to catch up on all your blogs over the weekend. Happy New Year, my blogging buddies. P.S. Note to self: Redo "Previous Races" part of blog that I accidentally deleted...Grrr
If I run on the sidewalks there's always areas where they're not shoveled, or are shoveled and have icy areas. Road running becomes a challenge, because there's always a car or two that passes me by as close to me as possible. It's like a game of "chicken." I wish the driver would at least slow down and give me a high five out their window. Maybe I should run with a key in my hand and stick it out as they graze me and reward them with a cool keyed racing stripe the entire length of their car. OK, I'm just kidding...
Hey, I had New Years running resolutions. Let's see, I have to go find them in my blog. Be right back...Here they are! 1) Always have fun whenever I run: Always?! OK, I mostly had fun whenever I ran. Close enough. Goal accomplished. 2) Stay injury free. NOT! After an initial diagnosis last January of Achilles Tendonitis by what turned out to be an incompetent podiatrist, complete with a VERY painful cortisone shot, I actually found out by going to a competent podiatrist in April that I had Morton's Neuroma, which is far less serious and doesn't require cortisone shots. 3) Run at least 1 marathon this year; two if my body can handle the training. DONE! I ran the Hartford Marathon and the NY City Marathon. 4) Place in the top three in my division in any race and win a cheesy award. Well, I did and I did! Back in May I entered a new 5K race, hoping to win an award against less than stellar competition. My strategy worked, as I came in 2nd and won....drumroll please...four 2 oz. bags of Brioni coffee and a "Hotel California Tequila" t-shirt. 5) Read as many running blogs as I can, and be supportive of my fellow runners by commenting in their blogs. That was easy...done! P.S. Welcome to my 3 new stalkers/followers. EricaH, Continuous Changes, and GISRunner 6) Buy the Garmin Forerunner 305 so that I can better track my progress. I was like Ralphie from "A Christmas Story." Ralphie said: "I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!" I said: "I want an official Garmin Forerunner 305 high sensitivity GPS receiver with new courses feature and robust wireless heart rate monitor for optimal performance." Ha! I bought it, and it still needs a name! 7) Run as many races as possible with my daughter. It's definitely quality "father/daughter" time. Did it, and have the best race pic ever with her. See the pic under "About Me" in this blog. 8) Run a race with a "blog buddy." Well, I didn't run a race with a blog buddy, but I did run in the same races as two of my blog buddies: Carlee and Lindsay. I've also met them both, so to me that counts.
OK, gotta go now. Time to go prepare for the new year. I'll be attempting to catch up on all your blogs over the weekend. Happy New Year, my blogging buddies. P.S. Note to self: Redo "Previous Races" part of blog that I accidentally deleted...Grrr
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