Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Two Days Off, and a Good 31 Degree Day Run

As much as I've wanted to run these past two days, common sense prevailed, and I took them off. That left me one mile short in my first week of training for the Flying Pig Marathon. Today's run was my more difficult 4 mile road course, with 2 "killer" hills. I felt the need to challenge myself and see how my heel would fare. I felt a little pain at the beginning, which soon went away (or was I ignoring it?). My splits were good: 8:16, 8:14, 8:09, and 7:52, for a 32:31 total time and an 8:07 pace. I was psyched that my "lead legs" were gone, and my running mechanics felt better. BUT, the plantar fasciitis in my left heel is beginning to concern me. Once again, I completed my run, took a shower, and am now limping around the house. So I did some internet research and found a good website that explains all about it, and even has stretching and strengthening exercises I can do to help myself. Here are some highlights from the website: "In general, plantar fasciitis is a self-limiting condition." "Unfortunately, the time until resolution is often six to 18 months, which can lead to frustration for patients and physicians." (Ya' think?!) "However, overuse (like training for a marathon I bet!) rather than anatomy is the most common cause of plantar fasciitis in athletes. " "A history of an increase in weight-bearing activities is common, especially those involving running, which causes microtrauma to the plantar fascia and exceeds the body's capacity to recover." I think that means I'm screwed, unless I do what I absolutely hate to do, which is stretching and strengthening exercises. So, my blogger buddies, I'm off to do my exercises.........

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