"I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it
I'm about to lose control and I think I like it
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it
And I know, I know, I know, I know"
I'm So Excited by Pointer Sisters
PT couldn't have gone better. Not only is my PT "Finding Nuno" satisfied with my progress, but gym dude "ADHD Dave" is happy as well. Yes, who would have thought that something as simple as stretching and occasional yoga would do the trick? OK, I know, pretty much all of you! ADHD Dave gave me two additional exercises to do, and actually told me I did a good job. Finding Nuno has cut me back to one visit a week, just to monitor my running progress. I also found out that "Hot Chick's" name is Lindsay. She is a PT as well as the aqua therapy babe. I've informed Nuno that should I require additional PT that he is to refer me to Lindsay. I also suggested that aqua therapy would be very beneficial to my running. He didn't buy that. Hey, at least I tried. So I had time to kill after my PT appointment and before I went to work at my one night a week gig at Weight Watchers. I decided to stop by the bowling alley and "look" at bowling balls since my bowling ball is older than most of you reading this (35 years old). The pro shoppe had a very lonely looking ball, with the cutest blue color and named "Pin Slasher."

It was the very last bowling ball of that color and weight. It really needed a new home. Plus it was on clearance for $50 off, and Pro Shoppe Guy said it was a good ball for a 53 year old 162 average guy who wanted to become a better bowler with a ball designed to better grip today's synthetic lanes and therefore produce better scores for a competitive person like myself who wants to win the staff bowling league team championship. Well, those weren't his EXACT words, but you get my point. I just had to buy that bowling ball. It needed a good home, and my New York Giants bowling bag is the perfect home. So, you know the ending to this story. I'll be practicing with "Pin Slasher" tomorrow after work. Make that Wednesday after work. Tomorrow is the return of "Marathonman Runs Again." Watch out Farmington Canal Linear Trail. That slow and steady runner pounding your pavement will be willing to "Perspire to Inspire." By the way, that's part of what you telling me your running words for my February 21st post is all about. But that's all I'm telling you for now...
Yay! Good luck on your first run back...enjoy it!
PS~ Love that you are a Giants fan!
WHoohoo! Congrats on your good news. Have fun w/ that first run.
I lurve my yoga dvd...so relaxing.
You don't know how happy I am to learn that Hot Chick has a name, as well as your new bowling ball, Pin Slasher. I think I'd like to name bowling balls for a living...
I'm very happy you're back, there's nothing better:) !
So nice of you to give that poor ball a home.
Even nicer that you are cleared to run!
Yay Rick, I'm so happy for you.
Please tell me that you will continue to stretch. Or maybe you won't so you can go see Lindssy???
Have a great run tomorrow.
Amazingly good news!!! Happy March and a Month full of Miles!!!!!!
woo hoo!!! excellent news :) glad you were cleared to run again! now stay on top of that stretching and simple exercises since they apparently aren't going to let you see your girlfriend :-p however, she does have a pretty sweet name at least.
Hi Rick,
I am so happy to hear that you are back and ready to roll!! Oh crap, you mean Dave didn't buy the whole you need more PT with Lindsy hot aqua babe:) Bowling is something that I have not done in years!! Sounds like fun!
Woot, woot - congrats on the green light to get back to running
Somehow the new bowling ball did not come up in conversation last night.
Oh hooray to run again!
YEAH!!! Marathonman actually Runs again!!!
Make sure you stretch before you bowl... don't want to wind up back at the PT with a bowling injury :)
Ooooh now I'm excited!!! (and now that song is stuck in my head!!!)
So glad you're back to running!! It's pretty neat that it's coinciding with the warmer weather ;)
ps: sorry about the hockey game... I know it hurt... :P (just kidding!! loL!)
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