Thursday, December 3, 2009

Heat Wave

Today's Run: Linear Trail. 60 degrees. 4 miles; Splits: 8:47; 8:42; 8:31; 8:14. 34:14; 8:33/mile average pace.

Today's running weather was an early Christmas gift. The normal high temperature in Connecticut for December is 42 degrees. After receiving nearly 2 inches of rain this morning, the sun came out and it was 60 degrees when I hit the linear trail for my run. I was wearing shorts on December 3rd but feeling like I was overdressed since I had worn a short sleeved tech shirt underneath a long sleeved tech shirt. Once I was running and warmed up, which was quickly today, the two tech shirts became too much warmth. However, I was able to have another nearly effortless run. Each mile became easier to run, and I'm finally feeling as if my running mojo has permanently returned. Each mile split was less than the previous mile's, and my last mile was an 8:14. I'm thinking about the possibility of trying for a PR in the 5K race on December 13th. The course is flat, but it's a new course for the race. Whether or not I go for a PR will be determined by how good of a start I get, and how easy it is to run with and around 1500 other runners. As I've said before, it's more about the post race party with the race anyhow. Once again I will keep you in suspense about that until it gets closer to race day.


Lisa said...

I love it when the sun comes out after it has rained. You are seriousky having a heat wave in your neck of the woods. Great job on your run.

Anais said...

Honestly, we seem to be connected in our runs! When you have a good one, I do too, and when you have a bad one, so do I. It's weird! :P

ps: heat waves in december? That's also weird!! Apparently *we* may get 10 cm of snow next Wednesday!!!

Lindsay said...

60?!? not fair! it barely hits 40 down here :( :( :( soak it up for me!